Standard Launch
Vendor:SylverZone Printables
Product:MY Affinity Progress - Photo Mastery
Launch Date:2024-Mar-21
Launch Time:11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $39
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 

This course sold very well during its soft launch in June 2022.

It has now been updated to include Affinity V.2, and teaches through 55 plus bite-sized videos how to produce and publish low and mid-content books, digital prints and other products for the online world using Affinity Photo. How to use the many powerful features of the program to create your own graphics and use them in your own products.

Transcripts are also available in an inexpensive upsell as well as a step-by-step PDF with extensive additions.

40% commission on all products in the funnel.

Reduced price for relaunch only – regular price after March 28th will be $77.


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