Standard Launch
Vendor:Craig Crawford et al
Product:Social Sales System
Launch Date:2017-Jan-31
Launch Time:10:00 EST
Front-End Price: $37 - 47
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 

Craig Crawford & Simon Warner Bring To You…


Mark this in your calendar TODAY!
Pre Launch goes live 10am 27th Jan! LIVE: 31st Jan!
*$5000+ in prizes & Spot Prizes*
*Massive Case Studies*
*Big Conversions*
*High EPC’s*


What is the Social Sales System?

The Social Sales System is a high quality, fairly priced. Step by step marketing cloud based tool for turning lazer targeted Facebook leads into raving customers.
It walks them through the audience targeting processes, ad creation processes… then its ultimately a sync between Facebook
and CRMs/ autoresponders for lead ads and custom audiences

We’ve Customer testimonials and Case studies Ranging from $71,000+ (Over $82,000 gross)profit within ONLY six weeks from an online drone pilot school.

Also Laundry moms generated over 3500+ optins within ONLY two short weeks and a small ad spend of $75 a day! $0.29cent optins! Woo!


Social Sales System Summary:

1. Facebook lead add sync which allows you to connect Facebook lead adds directly to your autoresponder

the benefit here is that Facebook lead adds convert at a higher rate than traditional adds that take you
to an external website.

The con with Facebook lead adds is that the information stays in Facebook and does not connect with any
external systems. The social sales system software bridges that geo and takes the information submitted
through a lead add directly into your autoresponder tool

2. Facebook Custom audience sync.

This feature allows to to create targeted adds in Facebook that shows to a specific custom audience you create.
The social sales system software syncs data from your specific autoresponder lists directly to Facebook
custom audiences.

This allows you to automate follow up adds based n where people are at in the buying cycle.


3.The piece that brings it all is the methodology we teach in the workbook and video tutorials plus the
bonus email copy to help them convert.

It gives them the tools and the knowledge to be successful in lead gen and conversion using facebook.

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